To become a member of the Oxford Ceramics Group, please download the form, fill it out and post it to:
The Membership Secretary
Orchard Lea House
Steeple Aston
Bicester OX25 4RT
Annual subscription rates are £23 per person or £30 for two persons living at the same address.
Please make all cheques payable to ‘The Oxford Ceramics Group’
Data Protection policy
When you become a member of the Oxford Ceramics Group, you give us contact information so that we can keep you informed about forthcoming activities and invite you to take part in our events. This personal information is used solely for the purposes of running the group and its activities. It may be exchanged among members of the Committee but will not be shared with any other organisation. Your details will be kept securely and you have the right to opt out of our communications at any time. You also have the right to request to see what information we hold about you from our Membership Secretary.